Big Five Tanzania Safaris

Lion, Leopard, Elephant, Buffalo and Rhino – Africa’s mammal A-list.

Experience the Big Five up close.

At the very top of this pyramid lie the Big Five which has become safari shorthand for the animals that everybody really wants to encounter. The term “Big Five” derives from the early days of the Great White Hunter and the species therein were considered the most challenging and sporting to shoot – which explains why some of the other iconic beasts of the African savanna – giraffe, zebra, wild dog, cheetah, wildebeest, hippos and crocs don’t make the list.

Below, we provide a bit more information about every Big Five animal, as well as recommend where the best places are in Africa to see the Big 5 on your safari holiday:

  • Lions:
    The lion is one of the most popular animals on safari in Tanzania. If you’re lucky, you can admire the majestic animals in larger groups. Most of the time the lions lie in the shade to escape the heat. You can encounter lions on safaris at Ngorongoro Crater, in the Serengeti or Tarangire National Park. In the Serengeti, you will see lions and other big cats (cheetahs and leopards).

  • Buffalo:
    The buffalo is one of the Big Five. You will usually find the animals in large groups on a safari. In addition, the animals are relatively easy to find.

  • Rhinos:
    There are rhinos in the Ngorongoro Crater and the Serengeti. The animals are endangered and hard to find. Our guides know the area and know where the animals can be. Thanks to a rhino protection project initiated by the Tanzanian National Park Authority in 1996, the number of rhinos in Tanzania has increased again in recent years. In the past, the animals were hunted and shot by poachers.

  • Elephants:
    The largest animal of the Big Five is the elephant. Most elephants can be found in Tarangire National Park. You will usually find the gigantic animals in herds. The number of elephants in Tanzania has increased again in recent years.

  • Leopards:
    Along with rhinos, leopards are among the animals that are difficult to find. Leopards are excellent climbers and are often found in trees. Our guides have a trained eye and know which regions the big cats particularly like. Leopards hunt in the early morning or at dusk. You can admire most leopards at the Ngorongoro Crater, in the Tarangire National Park or the Serengeti. The big cats are slightly smaller than lions and can be recognized by the distinctive black dots on their fur.

Best Time to See Big Five

The best chance of encountering the Big Five is in the dry season, when access across vast areas is at its greatest, the bush has died back sufficiently making sighting them more likely, and last remaining water sources make the concentration of mammals much greater.


Tailor-made itineraries for every traveller

Explore one of Africa’s most iconic safari destinations on game drives and guided walks across the Serengeti’s open savannah plains. Tick Tanzania’s many birds off your list, and spend the evenings gazing at the stars, as plentiful as the migratory herds (Wilderness Experiences Nature). 

What sets us apart at Nature & Leisure in Africa is our expertise in organizing safe and unforgettable trekking adventures to Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa’s highest peak. 

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